Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Better images & site integration

I'm working on better image results that work very much like the current Amazon integration where you see a product image instead of the site's preview thumbnail.
There will be images and live information for
  • Blogger profiles (image, age, sex1, etc)
  • News articles (article image; cnn.com, usatoday.com, bbc.co.uk 2)
  • Software sites (screenshots & ratings - cool :) )

Please share your thoughts with me, as well as suggestions of what kind of sites you'd like to see integrated!

1 No, this is not going to be an Amazon-style rating :D
2 I'm also adding some Austrian magazines: derStandard.at,kurier.at, diepresse.com are already implemented


At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that could be useful an option to turn off the moregoogle page previews since it slows navigation, they make the page quite long (in height) and many pictures has just the "coming soon" image.
If it's not possible to have a DLL option-form you should create a moregoogle "lite" version without previews...
I like expecially the "open in new window" function and a big thanks come also from my SHIFT key ;)

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Web Integration is leveraging the enormous success of the Web Browser to access services and information on the Web. The services can for example include lookup in news archives, searching cheap flights and ordering cinema tickets, even editing Wikipedia. Information can for example include search results from Google or content from any other online information source, sportsbook, even RSS feeds. Web Integration allows for fast integration of any Web browsable content, data, and applications into portals, wireless devices, content management systems, applications, databases, RSS feeds, REST or web services. http://www.enterbet.com


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